July 16, 2009

Photos from Eat at the ARTery

Here are some of the photos I took at the ARTery. Sorry it’s taken ne a while to get them up!

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Julianna and Sarah at the market, talking to Jennifer from Sundog Organics.

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A basket of goodies.

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Tiny spring onions from Sparrow’s Nest Organics.

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Making rhubarb-apple-blueberry crisp.

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Smoked ham and cheese sandwich with mustard on ciabatta.

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Have you ever seen a yolk so big and so yellow?

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Eat at the ARTery happens every Saturday at noon. Be sure to visit soon!


  1. Well, great. Now it is bedtime and I am STARVING.

  2. Where exactly is this? I went to the City Centre Market for the first time this weekend.

  3. Hey Cheryl - The Artery is at Jasper Ave. and 95 St. Hope you liked the City Centre market. I love that place.
