October 28, 2009

Upper Crust Cafe

J and I went to the Upper Crust Cafe in Garneau over the weekend. Of course, my camera was sitting in my bag the whole time and I forgot to take it out even once to photograph the restaurant or the meal. I have got to do better at that.

We'd never been to Upper Crust before. We enjoyed most of the meal, but the big highlight was the salad plate. Oh my god. I'm actually still craving every one of those salads. They were so fresh and delicious. There wasn't a clunker in the bunch, and we tried six of them. They have got a great salad chef.

You can listen to my full review of the Upper Crust on Edmonton AM on CBC radio Thursday morning. It'll be on at about 7:50. You can also hear my past reviews on their website.

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